Source code for ledsa.analysis.ConfigDataAnalysis

import configparser as cp

[docs] class ConfigDataAnalysis(cp.ConfigParser): """ Class responsible for handling the configuration data related to LEDSA's data analysis. """ def __init__(self, load_config_file=True, camera_position=None, num_of_layers=20, domain_bounds=None, led_arrays=None, num_ref_images=10, camera_channels=0, num_of_cores=1, reference_property='sum_col_val', average_images=False, solver='numeric', weighting_preference=-6e-3, weighting_curvature=1e-6, num_iterations=200): """ :param load_config_file: Determines whether to load the config file on initialization. Defaults to True. :type load_config_file: bool :param camera_position: Global X, Y, Z position of the camera. Defaults to None. :type camera_position: list[float] or None :param num_of_layers: Number of horizontal smoke layers. Defaults to 20. :type num_of_layers: int :param domain_bounds: Lower and upper bounds of the computational domain. Defaults to None. :type domain_bounds: list[float] or None :param led_arrays: LED arrays for which the extinction coefficients should be computed. Defaults to None. :type led_arrays: list[int] or None :param num_ref_images: Number of images used to compute normalize LED intensities. Defaults to 10. :type num_ref_images: int :param camera_channels: Camera channels to be considered in the analysis. Defaults to 0. :type camera_channels: List[int] :param num_of_cores: Number of CPU cores for (multicore) processing. If greater than 1, multicore processing is applied. Defaults to 1. :type num_of_cores: int :param reference_property: Property used for reference in LEDSA. Defaults to 'sum_col_val'. :type reference_property: str :param average_images: Determines if intensities are computed as an average from two consecutive images. Defaults to False. :type average_images: bool :param solver: Method used to compute extinction coefficients - can be 'analytic' or 'numeric'. Defaults to 'numeric'. :type solver: str :param weighting_preference: Weighting factor for the preference to push the numerical solver to high or low values for the extinction coeffiientes. Defaults to -6e-3. :type weighting_preference: float :param weighting_curvature: Weighting factor for the smoothness of the solution.. Defaults to 1e-6. :type weighting_curvature: float :param num_iterations: Maximum number of iterations for the numeric solver. Defaults to 200. :type num_iterations: int """ cp.ConfigParser.__init__(self, allow_no_value=True) if load_config_file: self.load() else: self['DEFAULT'] = {} self.set('DEFAULT', '# Variables used in multiple parts of LEDSA') self.set('DEFAULT', ' # Number of CPUs, multicore processing is applied if > 1') self['DEFAULT'][' num_of_cores'] = str(num_of_cores) self['DEFAULT'][' reference_property'] = str(reference_property) self.set('DEFAULT', ' # Number images used to compute normalize LED intensities') self['DEFAULT'][' num_ref_images'] = str(num_ref_images) self['DEFAULT'][' camera_channels'] = str(camera_channels) self.set('DEFAULT', ' # Intensities are computed as average from two consecutive images if set to True ') self['DEFAULT'][' average_images'] = str(average_images) self.set('DEFAULT', ' # Extinction coefficients can be computed by linear or numeric solver ') self['DEFAULT'][' solver'] = str(solver) self.set('DEFAULT', ' # Options for numeric solver ') self['DEFAULT'][' weighting_preference'] = str(weighting_preference) self['DEFAULT'][' weighting_curvature'] = str(weighting_curvature) self['DEFAULT'][' num_iterations'] = str(num_iterations) self['experiment_geometry'] = {} self.set('experiment_geometry', '# Global X Y Z position of the camera ') self['experiment_geometry'][' camera_position'] = str(camera_position) self['model_parameters'] = {} self.set('model_parameters', '# Parameters regarding the discretization of the spatial domain ') self.set('model_parameters', ' # LED arrays for that the extinction coefficients should be computed ') self['model_parameters'][' led_arrays'] = str(led_arrays) self.set('model_parameters', ' # Number of horizontal smoke layers ') self['model_parameters'][' num_of_layers'] = str(num_of_layers) self.set('model_parameters', ' # Lower and upper bounds of the computational domain ') self['model_parameters'][' domain_bounds'] = str(domain_bounds) with open('config_analysis.ini', 'w') as configfile: self.write(configfile) print('config_analysis.ini created')
[docs] def load(self) -> None: """ Loads the configuration data from 'config_analysis.ini' file. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If 'config_analysis.ini' is not found in the working directory. """ try: self.read_file(open('config_analysis.ini')) except FileNotFoundError: print( 'config_analysis.ini not found in working directory! Please create it with argument "--config_analysis".') exit(1) print('config_analysis.ini loaded!')
[docs] def save(self) -> None: """ Saves the current configuration to 'config_analysis.ini' file. """ with open('config_analysis.ini', 'w') as configfile: self.write(configfile) print('config_analysis.ini saved')
[docs] def get_list_of_values(self, section:str, option:str, dtype=int) -> None: """ Returns a list of values of a specified dtype from a given section and option. :param section: Section in the configuration file. :type section: str :param option: Option under the specified section. :type option: str :param dtype: Data type of the values to be returned. Defaults to int. :type dtype: type :return: List of values or None if the option's value is 'None'. :rtype: list or None """ if self[section][option] == 'None': return None values = [dtype(i) for i in self[section][option].split()] return values
[docs] def in_camera_channels(self) -> None: """ Prompts the user to input the camera channels to analyse and updates the configuration. """ self['DEFAULT']['camera_channels'] = input('Please give the camera channels that should be considered in the ' 'analysis: ')
[docs] def in_camera_position(self) -> None: """ Prompts the user to input the camera's global X, Y, Z coordinates and updates the configuration. """ self['experiment_geometry']['camera_position'] = input('Please give the global X Y Z [m] coordinates of the ' 'camera : ')
[docs] def in_num_of_layers(self) -> None: """ Prompts the user to input the number of layers for spatial domain discretization and updates the configuration. """ self['model_parameters']['num_of_layers'] = input('Please give number of layers the spatial domain should ' 'be discretized to : ')
[docs] def in_domain_bounds(self) -> None: """ Prompts the user to input the lower and upper height of the spatial domain and updates the configuration. """ self['model_parameters']['domain_bounds'] = input('Please give lower and upper height [m] of the spatial ' 'domain : ')
[docs] def in_led_arrays(self) -> None: """ Prompts the user to input the IDs of (merged) LED Arrays for computation and updates the configuration. """ self['model_parameters']['led_arrays'] = input('Please give IDs of (merged) LED Arrays to compute: ')
if __name__ == 'main': ConfigDataAnalysis()