Source code for fdsreader.export.slcf_exporter

import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import Literal
from ..slcf import Slice

[docs] def export_slcf_raw(slc: Slice, output_dir: str, ordering: Literal['C', 'F'] = 'C'): """Exports the 3d arrays to raw binary files with corresponding .yaml meta files. :param slc: The :class:`Slice` object to export. :param output_dir: The directory in which to save all files. :param ordering: Whether to write the data in C or Fortran ordering. """ from pathos.pools import ProcessPool as Pool from multiprocess import Lock, Manager slc2d = slc.type == '2D' meta = {"CellCentered": 1 if slc.cell_centered else 0, "DataValMax": float(slc.vmax), "DataValMin": float(slc.vmin), "ScaleFactor": 255. / (float(slc.vmax) - float(slc.vmin)), "MeshNum": len(slc.subslices), "Quantity":} filename_base = ("slice" + ("2D-" if slc2d else "3D-") +" ", "_").replace(".", "-") # Create all requested directories if they don't exist yet Path(os.path.join(output_dir, filename_base + "-data")).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) m = Manager() meta["Meshes"] = m.list() lock = m.Lock() def worker(mesh, subslice): mesh_id =" ", "_").replace(".", "-") filename = filename_base + "_mesh-" + mesh_id + ".dat" data = (( - meta["DataValMin"]) * meta["ScaleFactor"]).astype(np.uint8) shape = data.shape if slc2d: shape = shape[:subslice.orientation] + (1,) + shape[subslice.orientation:] with open(os.path.join(output_dir, filename_base + "-data", filename), 'wb') as rawfile: for d in data: if ordering == 'F': d = d.T d.tofile(rawfile) spacing = [slc.times[1] - slc.times[0], mesh.coordinates['x'][1] - mesh.coordinates['x'][0], mesh.coordinates['y'][1] - mesh.coordinates['y'][0], mesh.coordinates['z'][1] - mesh.coordinates['z'][0]] with lock: meta["Meshes"].append({ "Mesh": mesh_id, "DataFile": os.path.join(filename_base + "-data", filename), "MeshPos": f"{subslice.extent['x'][0]:.6} {subslice.extent['y'][0]:.6} {subslice.extent['z'][0]:.6}", "Spacing": f"{spacing[0]:.6} {spacing[1]:.6} {spacing[2]:.6} {spacing[3]:.6}", "DimSize": f"{shape[0]} {shape[1]} {shape[2]} {shape[3]}" }) with Pool() as pool: args: worker(*args), list(slc._subslices.items())) meta["Meshes"] = list(meta["Meshes"]) meta_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename_base + ".yaml") with open(meta_file_path, 'w') as meta_file: import yaml yaml.dump(meta, meta_file) return meta_file_path