Source code for fdsreader.isof.isosurface

import operator
from functools import reduce
from typing import BinaryIO, Dict, Union, List, Tuple, Optional

import numpy as np

from fdsreader.fds_classes import Mesh
from fdsreader.utils import Quantity
from fdsreader import settings
import fdsreader.utils.fortran_data as fdtype

[docs] class SubSurface: """Part of an isosurface with data for a specific mesh. :ivar mesh: The mesh containing all data for this :class:`SubSurface`. :ivar file_path: Path to the binary data file. :ivar v_file_path: Path to the binary data file containing color data. :ivar n_vertices: The number of vertices for this subsurface. :ivar n_triangles: The number of triangles for this subsurface. :ivar n_t: Total number of time steps for which output data has been written. """ def __init__(self, mesh: Mesh, iso_filepath: str, times: List, viso_filepath: str = ""): self.mesh = mesh self.file_path = iso_filepath if viso_filepath != "": self.v_file_path = viso_filepath with open(self.file_path, 'rb') as infile: nlevels =, fdtype.INT, 3)[2][0][0] dtype_header_levels ='f', nlevels),)) dtype_header_zeros = fdtype.combine(fdtype.INT,'i', 2),))) self._offset = fdtype.INT.itemsize * 3 + dtype_header_levels.itemsize + \ dtype_header_zeros.itemsize self.times = times self.n_vertices = list() self.n_triangles = list() if not settings.LAZY_LOAD: self._load_data(infile) if self.has_color_data: if not settings.LAZY_LOAD: with open(self.v_file_path, 'rb') as infile: self._load_vdata(infile) @property def vertices(self): """Property to lazy load all vertices for all triangles of any level. """ if not hasattr(self, "_vertices"): with open(self.file_path, 'rb') as infile: self._load_data(infile) return self._vertices @property def triangles(self): """Property to lazy load all triangles of any level. """ if not hasattr(self, "_triangles"): with open(self.file_path, 'rb') as infile: self._load_data(infile) return self._triangles @property def surfaces(self): """Property to lazy load a list that maps triangles to an isosurface for a specific level. The list has the size n_triangles, while the indices correspond to indices of the triangles. """ if not hasattr(self, "_surfaces"): with open(self.file_path, 'rb') as infile: self._load_data(infile) return self._surfaces @property def has_color_data(self): """Defines whether there is color data for this subsurface or not. """ return hasattr(self, "v_file_path") @property def colors(self): """Property to lazy load the color data that might be associated with the isosurfaces. """ if self.has_color_data: if not hasattr(self, "_colors"): with open(self.v_file_path, 'rb') as infile: self._load_vdata(infile) return self._colors else: raise UserWarning("The isosurface does not have any associated color-data. Use the" " attribute 'has_color_data' to check if an isosurface has associated" " color-data.") def _load_data(self, infile: BinaryIO): """Loads data for the subsurface which is given in an iso file. """ dtype_time ='f', 1), ('i', 1))) dtype_dims ='i', 2),)) self._vertices = list() self._triangles = list() self._surfaces = list() time_data =, dtype_time, 1) while time_data.size != 0: self.times.append(time_data[0][0][0]) dims_data =, dtype_dims, 1) n_vertices = dims_data[0][0][0] n_triangles = dims_data[0][0][1] if n_vertices > 0: dtype_vertices ='f', 3 * n_vertices),)) dtype_triangles ='i', 3 * n_triangles),)) dtype_surfaces ='i', n_triangles),)) self._vertices.append(, dtype_vertices, 1)[0][0].reshape((n_vertices, 3)).astype( float)) self._triangles.append(, dtype_triangles, 1)[0][0].reshape((n_triangles, 3)).astype( int) - 1) self._surfaces.append(, dtype_surfaces, 1)[0][0].astype(int) - 1) self.n_vertices.append(n_vertices) self.n_triangles.append(n_triangles) else: self._vertices.append(np.empty((0, 3))) self._triangles.append(np.empty((0, 3))) self._surfaces.append(np.empty((0,))) self.n_vertices.append(0) self.n_triangles.append(0) time_data =, dtype_time, 1) self.n_t = len(self.times) def _load_vdata(self, infile: BinaryIO): """Loads all color data for all isosurfaces in a given viso file. """ self._colors = np.empty((self.n_t,), dtype=object) dtype_nverts ='i', 4),)) * 2) t =, fdtype.FLOAT, 1) while t.size != 0: time_index = self.times.index(t[0][0][0]) n_vertices =, dtype_nverts, 1)[0][0][2] if n_vertices > 0: self._colors[time_index] =,'f', n_vertices),)), 1) t =, fdtype.FLOAT, 1)
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Remove all data from the internal cache that has been loaded so far to free memory. """ if hasattr(self, "_vertices"): del self._vertices if hasattr(self, "_triangles"): del self._triangles if hasattr(self, "_surfaces"): del self._surfaces if hasattr(self, "_colors"): del self._colors
def __repr__(self): return f'SubSurface(mesh="{str(self.mesh)}")'
[docs] class Isosurface: """Isosurface file data container including metadata. Consists of a list of vertices forming a list of triangles. Can optionally have additional color data for the surfaces. :ivar id: The ID of this isosurface. :ivar quantity: Quantity object containing information about the quantity calculated for this isosurface with the corresponding short_name and unit. :ivar v_quantity: Information about the color quantity. :ivar levels: All isosurface levels. """ def __init__(self, isosurface_id: int, double_quantity: bool, quantity: str, short_name: str, unit: str, levels: List[float], v_quantity: str = "", v_short_name: str = "", v_unit: str = ""): = isosurface_id self.quantity = Quantity(quantity, short_name, unit) self._double_quantity = double_quantity self.levels = levels self._times = list() self._subsurfaces: Dict[str, SubSurface] = dict() if self._double_quantity: self.v_quantity = Quantity(v_quantity, v_short_name, v_unit) def _add_subsurface(self, mesh: Mesh, iso_file_path: str, viso_file_path: str = "") -> SubSurface: if viso_file_path != "": subsurface = SubSurface(mesh, iso_file_path, self._times, viso_file_path) else: subsurface = SubSurface(mesh, iso_file_path, self._times) self._subsurfaces[] = subsurface return subsurface def __getitem__(self, mesh: str) -> SubSurface: """Returns the :class:`SubSurface` that contains data for the given mesh id. """ return self._subsurfaces[mesh] @property def vertices(self) -> Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]: """Gets all vertices per mesh. """ return {mesh: subsurface.vertices for mesh, subsurface in self._subsurfaces.items()} @property def triangles(self) -> Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]: """Gets all triangles per mesh. """ return {mesh: subsurface.triangles for mesh, subsurface in self._subsurfaces.items()} @property def surfaces(self) -> Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]: """Gets all surfaces per mesh. """ return {mesh: subsurface.surfaces for mesh, subsurface in self._subsurfaces.items()}
[docs] def to_global(self, time: Union[int, float]) -> Tuple[ np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray]]: """Creates an array containing all global vertices and a list containing numpy arrays with triangles for each surface level. :param time: Either the index of the timestep or an actual time value. In the latter case data for the nearest matching timestep will be used. """ if type(time) == float: time = self.get_nearest_timestep(time) if time > len(self.times): time = len(self.times) - 1 if time < 0: time = 0 n_vertices = sum( x[time].shape[0] if len(x[time].shape) > 0 else 0 for x in self.vertices.values()) vertices = np.empty((n_vertices, 3)) colors = np.empty((n_vertices,)) if self.has_color_data else None verts_counter = 0 for mesh in self._subsurfaces.keys(): tmp = verts_counter verts = self[mesh].vertices[time] verts_counter += verts.shape[0] vertices[tmp:verts_counter] = verts if self.has_color_data: colors[tmp: verts_counter] = self[mesh].colors[time] triangles = list() num_levels = max( max(np.max(t) if t.shape[0] != 0 else 0 for t in s) for s in self.surfaces.values()) + 1 for surf in range(num_levels): n_triangles = sum(np.count_nonzero(s[time] == surf) for s in self.surfaces.values()) triangles.append(np.empty((n_triangles, 3), dtype=int)) tris_counter = 0 verts_counter = 0 if n_triangles > 0: for mesh in self._subsurfaces.keys(): tmp = tris_counter tris = self.triangles[mesh][time][self.surfaces[mesh][time] == surf] tris_counter += tris.shape[0] triangles[surf][tmp:tris_counter] = tris + verts_counter verts_counter += self[mesh].vertices[time].shape[0] return vertices, triangles, colors
[docs] def get_pyvista_mesh(self, vertices: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray): """Creates a PyVista mesh from the data. """ try: from pyvista import PolyData triangles = np.hstack(np.append(np.full((triangles.shape[0], 1), 3), triangles, axis=1)) return PolyData(vertices, triangles) except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'get_pyvista_mesh' method requires the PyVista python-package to" " be installed. Consider installing it via 'pip install pyvista'.")
[docs] def join_pyvista_meshes(self, meshes: List): """Combines multiple PyVista meshes. :returns: The combined mesh of class PolyData. """ try: from pyvista import PolyData assert all(type(mesh) == PolyData for mesh in meshes), "Argument 'meshes' has to be a sequence of type pyvista.Polydata" return reduce(operator.add, meshes) except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'join_pyvista_meshes' method requires the PyVista python-package" " to be installed. Consider installing it via 'pip install pyvista'.")
[docs] def export(self, file_path: str, mesh): """Export the isosurface for a single timestep into one of many formats. :param file_path: Absolute path to the the file which should we written. The file ending denotes the file format to export to (supports pretty much every common format). :param time: Either the index of the timestep or an actual time value. In the latter case data for the nearest matching timestep will be used. """ try: from pyvista import PolyData assert type(mesh) == PolyData, "Argument 'mesh' has to be of type pyvista.Polydata" if "vtk" in file_path or "vtp" in file_path: return else: try: import meshio return mesh.save_meshio(file_path) except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'export' method requires the Meshio python-package to be" " installed. " "Consider installing it via 'pip install meshio'.") except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'export' method requires the PyVista python-package to be" " installed. Consider installing it via 'pip install pyvista'.")
[docs] def get_nearest_timestep(self, time: float) -> int: """Calculates the nearest timestep for which data has been output for this isosurface. """ idx = np.searchsorted(self.times, time, side="left") if time > 0 and (idx == len(self.times) or np.math.fabs( time - self.times[idx - 1]) < np.math.fabs(time - self.times[idx])): return idx - 1 else: return idx
@property def has_color_data(self) -> bool: """Defines whether there is color data for this isosurface or not. """ return self._double_quantity @property def times(self) -> List[float]: """List containing all times for which data has been recorded. """ if len(self._times) == 0: # Implicitly load the data for one subsurface and read times _ = next(iter(self._subsurfaces.values())).vertices return self._times
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Remove all data from the internal cache that has been loaded so far to free memory. """ for subsurface in self._subsurfaces.values(): subsurface.clear_cache()
def __repr__(self): return f'Isosurface(id="{}", quantity={str(self.quantity)}, levels={str(self.levels)})'