Source code for fdsreader.slcf.slice

import math
import os
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import logging
from typing import Dict, Collection, Tuple, Union, List
from typing_extensions import Literal

from fdsreader.fds_classes import Mesh
from fdsreader.utils import Dimension, Quantity, Extent
from fdsreader import settings
import fdsreader.utils.fortran_data as fdtype


[docs] def implements(np_function): """Decorator to register an __array_function__ implementation for Slices. """ def decorator(func): _HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[np_function] = func return func return decorator
[docs] class SubSlice: """Part of a slice that cuts through a single mesh. :ivar mesh: The mesh the subslice cuts through. :ivar extent: :class:`Extent` object containing 3-dimensional extent information. :ivar dimension: :class:`Dimension` object containing information about steps in each dimension. """ _offset = 3 *'c', 30),)).itemsize +'i', 6),)).itemsize def __init__(self, parent_slc, filename: str, dimension: Dimension, extent: Extent, mesh: Mesh): self._parent_slice = parent_slc self.mesh = mesh self.dimension = dimension self.extent = extent self.filename = filename self.vector_filenames = dict() self._vector_data = dict()
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, ignore_cell_centered: bool = False) -> Dict[ Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], np.ndarray]: """Returns a dictionary containing a numpy ndarray with coordinates for each dimension. For cell-centered slices, the coordinates can be adjusted to represent cell-centered coordinates. :param ignore_cell_centered: Whether to shift the coordinates when the slice is cell_centered or not. """ # orientation = ('x', 'y', 'z')[self.orientation - 1] if self.orientation != 0 else '' # coords = {'x': set(), 'y': set(), 'z': set()} coords: Dict[Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], np.ndarray] = {} for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): co = self.mesh.coordinates[dim].copy() # In case the slice is cell-centered, we will shift the coordinates by half a cell # and remove the last coordinate if self.cell_centered and not ignore_cell_centered: co = co[:-1] co += abs(co[1] - co[0]) / 2 coords[dim] = co[ np.where(np.logical_and(co >= self.extent[dim][0], co <= self.extent[dim][1]))] if coords[dim].size == 0: coords[dim] = np.array([co[np.argmin(np.abs(co - self.extent[dim][0]))]]) return coords
@property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """2D-shape of the slice. """ shape = self.dimension.shape(cell_centered=self.cell_centered) if self.orientation != 0: if len(shape) < 2: return shape[0], 1 return shape[0], shape[1] return shape @property def orientation(self) -> Literal[0, 1, 2, 3]: """Orientation [1,2,3] of the slice in case it is 2D, 0 otherwise. """ return self._parent_slice.orientation @property def cell_centered(self) -> bool: """Indicates whether centered positioning for data is used. """ return self._parent_slice.cell_centered @property def times(self): return self._parent_slice.times @property def n_t(self) -> int: """Get the number of timesteps for which data was output. """ return self._parent_slice.n_t def _load_data(self, file_path: str, data_out: np.ndarray): # Both cases (cell_centered True/False) output the same number of data points n = self.dimension.size(cell_centered=False) dtype_data = fdtype.combine(fdtype.FLOAT,'f', n),))) load_times = self.n_t == -1 if load_times: self._parent_slice.n_t = (os.stat( file_path).st_size - self._offset) // dtype_data.itemsize self._parent_slice.times = np.empty(self.n_t) with open(file_path, 'rb') as infile: for t, data in enumerate(, dtype_data, self.n_t)): if load_times: self.times[t] = data[0][0] data = data[1].reshape(self.dimension.shape(cell_centered=False), order='F') if self.cell_centered: data_out[t, :] = data[1:, 1:] # Ignore ghost points else: data_out[t, :] = data @property def data(self) -> np.ndarray: """Method to lazy load the slice's data. """ if not hasattr(self, "_data"): file_path = os.path.join(self._parent_slice._root_path, self.filename) self._data = np.empty((self.n_t,) + self.shape, dtype=np.float32) self._load_data(file_path, self._data) return self._data @property def vector_data(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Method to lazy load the slice's vector data if it exists. """ if not hasattr(self, "_vector_data"): raise AttributeError("There is no vector data available for this slice.") if len(self._vector_data) == 0: for direction in self.vector_filenames.keys(): file_path = os.path.join(self._parent_slice._root_path, self.vector_filenames[direction]) self._vector_data[direction] = np.empty((self.n_t,) + self.shape, dtype=np.float32) self._load_data(file_path, self._vector_data[direction]) return self._vector_data @property def vmin(self): return np.min( @property def vmax(self): return np.max(
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Remove all data from the internal cache that has been loaded so far to free memory. """ if hasattr(self, "_data"): del self._data del self._vector_data self._vector_data = dict()
def __repr__(self): return f"SubSlice(shape={self.shape}, mesh={}, extent={self.extent})"
[docs] class Slice(np.lib.mixins.NDArrayOperatorsMixin): """Slice file data container including metadata. Consists of multiple subslices, one for each mesh the slice cuts through. In case a slice cuts right through the border of two meshes, the generated data would be duplicated. For edge-centered slices a random of both generated slices will be discarded as the data is completely identical. For cell-centered slices the data of both slices will be saved as :class:`SubSlice` s, therefore it might seem as if all slices would be duplicated, in reality however the slices might contain different data. :ivar cell_centered: Indicates whether centered positioning for data is used. :ivar quantity: Quantity object containing information about the quantity calculated for this slice with the corresponding short_name and unit. :ivar times: Numpy array containing all times for which data has been recorded. :ivar n_t: Total number of time steps for which output data has been written. :ivar orientation: Orientation [1,2,3] of the slice in case it is 2D, 0 otherwise. :ivar extent: :class:`Extent` object containing 3-dimensional extent information. """ def __init__(self, root_path: str, slice_id: str, cell_centered: bool, times: np.ndarray, multimesh_data: Collection[Dict]): self._root_path = root_path self.cell_centered = cell_centered self.times = times if times is not None: self.n_t = times.size else: self.n_t = -1 = slice_id # List of all subslices this slice consists of (one per mesh). self._subslices: Dict[str, SubSlice] = dict() vector_temp = dict() for mesh_data in multimesh_data: if "-VELOCITY" in mesh_data["quantity"]: vector_temp[mesh_data["mesh"].id] = dict() for mesh_data in multimesh_data: if mesh_data["mesh"].id not in self._subslices: self.quantity = Quantity(mesh_data["quantity"], mesh_data["short_name"], mesh_data["unit"]) self._subslices[mesh_data["mesh"].id] = SubSlice(self, mesh_data["filename"], mesh_data["dimension"], mesh_data["extent"], mesh_data["mesh"]) if "-VELOCITY" in mesh_data["quantity"]: vector_temp[mesh_data["mesh"].id][mesh_data["quantity"]] = mesh_data["filename"] for mesh, vector_filenames in vector_temp.items(): if "U-VELOCITY" in vector_filenames: self._subslices[mesh].vector_filenames["u"] = vector_filenames["U-VELOCITY"] if "V-VELOCITY" in vector_filenames: self._subslices[mesh].vector_filenames["v"] = vector_filenames["V-VELOCITY"] if "W-VELOCITY" in vector_filenames: self._subslices[mesh].vector_filenames["w"] = vector_filenames["W-VELOCITY"] subslices = self._subslices.values() orientations = list() # Check if all subslices are 2D. If so, the whole slice is 2D, even though it would have a 3D bounding box as # meshes can have different resolutions, therefore the subslices will not necessarily align for subslice in subslices: if subslice.extent.x_start == subslice.extent.x_end: orientations.append(1) elif subslice.extent.y_start == subslice.extent.y_end: orientations.append(2) elif subslice.extent.z_start == subslice.extent.z_end: orientations.append(3) else: orientations.append(0) self.orientation = 0 if any(o != orientations[0] for o in orientations) else orientations[0] x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, z_start, z_end = min(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.x_start).extent.x_start, \ max(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.x_end).extent.x_end, \ min(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.y_start).extent.y_start, \ max(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.y_end).extent.y_end, \ min(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.z_start).extent.z_start, \ max(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.z_end).extent.z_end self.extent = Extent(x_start, x_start if self.orientation == 1 else x_end, y_start, y_start if self.orientation == 2 else y_end, z_start, z_start if self.orientation == 3 else z_end) # If lazy loading has been disabled by the user, load the data instantaneously instead if not settings.LAZY_LOAD: for _, subslice in self._subslices.items(): _ =
[docs] def get_subslice(self, key: Union[int, str, Mesh]) -> SubSlice: """Returns the :class:`SubSlice` that cuts through the given mesh. When an int is provided the nth SubSlice will be returned. """ return self[key]
def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, str, Mesh]) -> SubSlice: """Returns the :class:`SubSlice` that cuts through the given mesh. When an int is provided the nth SubSlice will be returned. """ if type(key) == int: return tuple(self._subslices.values())[key] elif type(key) == str: key = tuple(mesh for mesh in self.meshes if == key)[0] return self._subslices[] def __len__(self): return len(self._subslices) @property def subslices(self) -> List[SubSlice]: """Get a list with all SubSlices. """ return list(self._subslices.values()) @property def extent_dirs(self) -> Tuple[ Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], Literal['x', 'y', 'z']]: """The directions in which there is an extent. All three dimensions in case the slice is 3D. """ ior = self.orientation if ior == 0: return 'x', 'y', 'z' elif ior == 1: return 'y', 'z' elif ior == 2: return 'x', 'z' else: return 'x', 'y'
[docs] def get_nearest_timestep(self, time: float) -> int: """Calculates the nearest timestep for which data has been output for this slice. """ idx = np.searchsorted(self.times, time, side="left") if time > 0 and (idx == len(self.times) or np.math.fabs( time - self.times[idx - 1]) < np.math.fabs(time - self.times[idx])): return idx - 1 else: return idx
[docs] def get_nearest_index(self, dimension: Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], value: float) -> int: """Get the nearest mesh coordinate index in a specific dimension. """ coords = self.get_coordinates()[dimension] idx = np.searchsorted(coords, value, side="left") if idx > 0 and (idx == coords.size or np.math.fabs(value - coords[idx - 1]) < np.math.fabs( value - coords[idx])): return idx - 1 else: return idx
@property def meshes(self) -> List[Mesh]: """Returns a list of all meshes this slice cuts through. """ return [subslc.mesh for subslc in self._subslices.values()]
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, ignore_cell_centered: bool = False) -> Dict[ Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], np.ndarray]: """Returns a dictionary containing a numpy ndarray with coordinates for each dimension. For cell-centered slices, the coordinates can be adjusted to represent cell-centered coordinates. :param ignore_cell_centered: Whether to shift the coordinates when the slice is cell_centered or not. """ orientation = ('x', 'y', 'z')[self.orientation - 1] if self.orientation != 0 else '' coords = {'x': list(), 'y': list(), 'z': list()} for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): if orientation == dim: coords[dim] = np.array([self.extent[dim][0]]) continue for slc in self._subslices.values(): co = slc.get_coordinates(ignore_cell_centered)[dim] coords[dim].extend(co) coords[dim] = np.sort(np.array(coords[dim])) # Remove duplicates, caused by either same coordinate values in a specific dimensions or # floating point inaccuraciesas floats get written out with limited precision from FDS # (sometimes only 6 decimal places, e.g. 1.0 and 1.000001) diff = coords[dim][1:] - coords[dim][:-1] coords[dim] = np.concatenate((coords[dim][:1], coords[dim][1:][diff > 0.000002]), axis=0) if len(coords[dim]) == 0: slice_coordinate = self.extent[dim][0] nearest_coordinate = np.inf for mesh in self._subslices.keys(): mesh_coords = mesh.coordinates[dim] idx = np.searchsorted(mesh_coords, slice_coordinate, side="left") if idx > 0 and (idx == mesh_coords.size or np.math.fabs( slice_coordinate - mesh_coords[idx - 1]) < np.math.fabs( slice_coordinate - mesh_coords[idx])): idx = idx + 1 if mesh_coords[idx] - slice_coordinate < nearest_coordinate - slice_coordinate: nearest_coordinate = mesh_coords[idx] coords[dim] = np.array([nearest_coordinate]) return coords
@property def vmin(self): return np.min(self) @property def vmax(self): return np.max(self)
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Remove all data from the internal cache that has been loaded so far to free memory. """ for subslice in self._subslices.values(): subslice.clear_cache()
[docs] def get_2d_slice_from_3d(self, slice_direction: Literal['x', 'y', 'z', 1, 2, 3], value: float): """Creates a 2D-Slice from a 3D-Slice by slicing the Slice. :param slice_direction: The direction in which to cut through the slice. :param value: The position at which to start cutting through the slice. """ if self.type == "2D": logging.error("Trying to slice a 2D-slice, which might not yield the desired result.") if type(slice_direction) == str: slice_dim = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}[slice_direction] else: slice_dim = slice_direction slice_direction = ('x', 'y', 'z')[slice_dim - 1] new_slice = deepcopy(self) to_remove = list() for mesh_id, subslc in new_slice._subslices.items(): mesh = subslc.mesh # Check if the new slice cuts through the subslice cut_index = mesh.coordinate_to_index((value,), (slice_direction,), cell_centered=self.cell_centered) cut_value = mesh.get_nearest_coordinate((value,), (slice_direction,), cell_centered=self.cell_centered)[0] if mesh.coordinates[slice_direction][0] <= value <= mesh.coordinates[slice_direction][ -1] and \ subslc.extent[slice_dim][0] <= cut_value <= subslc.extent[slice_dim][1]: shape = subslc.dimension.shape(cell_centered=self.cell_centered) indices = [slice(None)] if subslc.dimension.x == 1 or subslc.dimension.y == 1 or subslc.dimension.z == 1: indices.extend((slice(shape[0]), slice(shape[1]))) else: indices.extend((slice(shape[0]), slice(shape[1]), slice(shape[2]))) indices[slice_dim] = slice(cut_index[0], cut_index[0] + 1, 1) subslc._data = np.squeeze([tuple(indices)], axis=slice_dim) for direction in subslc.vector_filenames.keys(): subslc._vector_data[direction] = np.squeeze(subslc.vector_data[direction][tuple(indices)], axis=slice_dim) # Change 3D extent to 2D one new_extent = subslc.extent.as_list() new_extent[(slice_dim - 1) * 2:slice_dim * 2] = (cut_value, cut_value) subslc.extent = Extent(*new_extent) else: to_remove.append(mesh_id) for mesh_id in to_remove: del new_slice._subslices[mesh_id] new_slice.orientation = slice_dim subslices = new_slice._subslices.values() x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, z_start, z_end = \ min(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.x_start).extent.x_start, \ max(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.x_end).extent.x_end, \ min(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.y_start).extent.y_start, \ max(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.y_end).extent.y_end, \ min(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.z_start).extent.z_start, \ max(subslices, key=lambda e: e.extent.z_end).extent.z_end new_slice.extent = Extent(x_start, x_start if new_slice.orientation == 1 else x_end, y_start, y_start if new_slice.orientation == 2 else y_end, z_start, z_start if new_slice.orientation == 3 else z_end) return new_slice
[docs] def sort_subslices_cartesian(self): """Returns all subslices sorted in cartesian coordinates. """ slices = list(self._subslices.values()) slices_cart = [[slices[0]]] orientation = abs(slices[0].orientation) if orientation == 0: # 3D-slices have an orientation of 0, so we have to find the orientation ourself if slices[0].extent.x_start == slices[1].extent.x_start: orientation = 1 elif slices[0].extent.y_start == slices[1].extent.y_start: orientation = 2 elif slices[0].extent.z_start == slices[1].extent.z_start: orientation = 3 if orientation == 1: # x slices.sort(key=lambda p: (p.extent.y_start, p.extent.z_start)) elif orientation == 2: # y slices.sort(key=lambda p: (p.extent.x_start, p.extent.z_start)) else: # z slices.sort(key=lambda p: (p.extent.x_start, p.extent.y_start)) # Form a list of lists (2D-array) of the sorted slices if orientation == 1: for slc in slices[1:]: if slc.extent.y_start == slices_cart[-1][-1].extent.y_start: slices_cart[-1].append(slc) else: slices_cart.append([slc]) else: for slc in slices[1:]: if slc.extent.x_start == slices_cart[-1][-1].extent.x_start: slices_cart[-1].append(slc) else: slices_cart.append([slc]) return slices_cart
[docs] def to_global(self, masked: bool = False, fill: float = 0, return_coordinates: bool = False) -> \ Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[ np.ndarray, Dict[Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], np.ndarray]], Tuple[ Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[Dict[Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], np.ndarray], Dict[ Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], np.ndarray]]]]: """Creates a global numpy ndarray from all subslices (works for 2D- and 3D-slices). Note: This method might create a sparse np-array that consumes lots of memory. Attention: Two global slices are returned in cases where cell-centered slices cut right through one or more mesh borders. If there is a cell-centered slice that cuts right through the border of two meshes (mesh1 and mesh2), there will actually be two slices that could be equally relevant for the user. The one will cells on mesh1 and the one with cells on mesh2. As there are no cells in between (i.e. where the slice "should" be) and cell-centered slices output values at the centers of each cell, FDS simply outputs two slices, one on each side of the mesh borders. The fdsreader will not discard any data, both slices that are output by FDS are sent to the user for him to decide which one to use. :param masked: Whether to apply the obstruction mask to the slice or not. :param fill: The fill value to use for masked slice entries. Only used when masked=True. :param return_coordinates: If true, return the matching coordinate for each value on the generated grid. """ if len(self._subslices) == 0: if return_coordinates: return np.array([]), {d: np.array([]) for d in ('x', 'y', 'z')} else: return np.array([]) subslice_sets = [dict(), dict()] dimension = ['x', 'y', 'z'][self.orientation - 1] base_coord = next(iter(self._subslices.values())).get_coordinates(ignore_cell_centered=False)[dimension][0] for mesh, slc in self._subslices.items(): coords = slc.get_coordinates(ignore_cell_centered=False) if self.orientation == 0 or np.isclose(coords[dimension][0], base_coord): subslice_sets[0][mesh] = slc else: subslice_sets[1][mesh] = slc if len(subslice_sets[1]) == 0: subslice_sets.pop(1) first_result_grid = None for subslices in subslice_sets: coord_min = {'x': math.inf, 'y': math.inf, 'z': math.inf} coord_max = {'x': -math.inf, 'y': -math.inf, 'z': -math.inf} for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): for slc in subslices.values(): co = slc.mesh.coordinates[dim] co = co[np.where( np.logical_and(co >= slc.extent[dim][0], co <= slc.extent[dim][1]))] coord_min[dim] = min(co[0], coord_min[dim]) coord_max[dim] = max(co[-1], coord_max[dim]) # The global grid will use the finest mesh as base and duplicate values of the coarser # meshes. Therefore, we first find the finest mesh and calculate the step size in each # dimension. step_sizes_min = {'x': coord_max['x'] - coord_min['x'], 'y': coord_max['y'] - coord_min['y'], 'z': coord_max['z'] - coord_min['z']} step_sizes_max = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0} steps = dict() global_max = {'x': -math.inf, 'y': -math.inf, 'z': -math.inf} for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): for sslc in subslices.values(): step_size = sslc.mesh.coordinates[dim][1] - sslc.mesh.coordinates[dim][0] step_sizes_min[dim] = min(step_size, step_sizes_min[dim]) step_sizes_max[dim] = max(step_size, step_sizes_max[dim]) global_max[dim] = max(sslc.mesh.coordinates[dim][-1], global_max[dim]) for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): if step_sizes_min[dim] == 0: step_sizes_min[dim] = math.inf steps[dim] = 1 else: steps[dim] = max( int(round((coord_max[dim] - coord_min[dim]) / step_sizes_min[dim])), 1) + ( 0 if self.cell_centered else 1) # + step_sizes_max[dim] / step_sizes_min[dim] grid = np.full((self.n_t, steps['x'], steps['y'], steps['z']), np.nan) start_idx = dict() end_idx = dict() for slc in subslices.values(): slc_data = if slc.orientation == 0 else np.expand_dims(, axis=slc.orientation) if masked: mask = slc.mesh.get_obstruction_mask_slice(slc) for axis in (0, 1, 2): dim = ('x', 'y', 'z')[axis] if axis == slc.orientation - 1: start_idx[dim] = 0 end_idx[dim] = 1 continue n_repeat = max(int(round( (slc.mesh.coordinates[dim][1] - slc.mesh.coordinates[dim][0]) / step_sizes_min[dim])), 1) start_idx[dim] = int(round( (slc.mesh.coordinates[dim][0] - coord_min[dim]) / step_sizes_min[dim])) end_idx[dim] = int(round( (slc.mesh.coordinates[dim][-1] - coord_min[dim]) / step_sizes_min[dim])) # We ignore border points unless they are actually on the border of the simulation space as all # other border points actually appear twice, as the subslices overlap. This only # applies for face_centered slices, as cell_centered slices will not overlap. if not self.cell_centered: reduced_shape = list(slc_data.shape) reduced_shape[axis + 1] -= 1 reduced_data_slices = tuple(slice(s) for s in reduced_shape) slc_data = slc_data[reduced_data_slices] if masked: mask = mask[reduced_data_slices] # Temporarily save border points to add them back to the array again later if np.isclose(slc.mesh.coordinates[dim][-1], global_max[dim]): end_idx[dim] += 1 temp_data_slices = [slice(s) for s in slc_data.shape] temp_data_slices[axis + 1] = slice(slc_data.shape[axis + 1] - 1, None) temp_data = slc_data[tuple(temp_data_slices)] if masked: temp_mask = mask[tuple(temp_data_slices)] if n_repeat > 1: slc_data = np.repeat(slc_data, n_repeat, axis=axis + 1) if masked: mask = np.repeat(mask, n_repeat, axis=axis + 1) # Add border points back again if needed if not self.cell_centered and np.isclose(slc.mesh.coordinates[dim][-1], global_max[dim]): slc_data = np.concatenate((slc_data, temp_data), axis=axis + 1) if masked: mask = np.concatenate((mask, temp_mask), axis=axis + 1) # If the slice should be masked, we set all cells at which an obstruction is in the # simulation space to the fill value set by the user if masked: slc_data = np.where(mask, slc_data, fill) grid[:, start_idx['x']: end_idx['x'], start_idx['y']: end_idx['y'], start_idx['z']: end_idx['z']] = slc_data.reshape( (self.n_t, end_idx['x'] - start_idx['x'], end_idx['y'] - start_idx['y'], end_idx['z'] - start_idx['z'])) if return_coordinates: coordinates = dict() for dim_index, dim in enumerate(('x', 'y', 'z')): coordinates[dim] = np.linspace(coord_min[dim], coord_max[dim], grid.shape[dim_index + 1]) # Remove dimension corresponding to orientation for 2D slices if self.orientation != 0: grid = np.squeeze(grid, axis=self.orientation) # If we are returning two slices and the first of the two has been calculated, save that # data into intermediate variables and calculate the second array first before returning if first_result_grid is not None: if return_coordinates: return (first_result_grid, grid), (first_result_coordinates, coordinates) else: return first_result_grid, grid else: first_result_grid = grid if return_coordinates: first_result_coordinates = coordinates if return_coordinates: return first_result_grid, first_result_coordinates else: return first_result_grid
@property def type(self) -> Literal['2D', '3D']: if self.orientation == 0: return '3D' return '2D' @implements(np.amin) def _min(self): return min(subsclice.vmin for subsclice in self._subslices.values()) @implements(np.amax) def _max(self): return max(subsclice.vmax for subsclice in self._subslices.values())
[docs] @implements(np.mean) def mean(self): """Calculates the mean over the whole slice. :returns: The calculated mean value. """ return np.mean([np.mean( for subsclice in self._subslices.values()])
[docs] @implements(np.std) def std(self): """Calculates the standard deviation over the whole slice. :returns: The calculated standard deviation. """ mean = self.mean sum = np.sum( [np.sum(np.power( - mean, 2)) for subsclice in self._subslices.values()]) N = np.sum([ for subsclice in self._subslices.values()]) return np.sqrt(sum / N)
def __array__(self): """Method that will be called by numpy when trying to convert the object to a numpy ndarray. """ raise UserWarning( "Slices can not be converted to numpy arrays, but they support all typical numpy" " operations such as np.multiply. If a 'global' array containing all subslices is" " required, use the 'to_global' method and use the returned numpy-array explicitly.") def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): """Method that will be called by numpy when using a ufunction with a Slice as input. :returns: A new slice on which the ufunc has been applied. """ if method != "__call__": logging.warning( "The %s method has been used which is not explicitly implemented. Correctness of" " results is not guaranteed. If you require this feature to be implemented please" " submit an issue on Github where you explain your use case.", method) input_list = list(inputs) for i, inp in enumerate(inputs): if isinstance(inp, self.__class__): del input_list[i] if len(input_list) == 0: raise UserWarning( f"The {method} operation is not implemented for multiple slices as input yet. If" " you require this feature, please request this functionality by submitting an" " issue on Github.") new_slice = deepcopy(self) for subslice in new_slice._subslices.values(): subslice._data = ufunc(, input_list[0], **kwargs) return new_slice def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs): """Method that will be called by numpy when using an array function with a Slice as input. :returns: The output of the array function. """ if func not in _HANDLED_FUNCTIONS: return NotImplemented # Note: this allows subclasses that don't override __array_function__ to handle Slices. if not all(issubclass(t, self.__class__) for t in types): return NotImplemented return _HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[func](*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self.type == '3D': # 3D-Slice return f"Slice([3D] quantity={self.quantity}, cell_centered={self.cell_centered}, extent={self.extent})" else: # 2D-Slice return f"Slice([2D] quantity={self.quantity}, cell_centered={self.cell_centered}, extent={self.extent}, " \ f"extent_dirs={self.extent_dirs}, orientation={self.orientation})"
# __array_function__ implementations