Source code for fdsreader.smoke3d.smoke3d

import logging
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Literal, Union
import numpy as np
import math

from fdsreader.fds_classes import Mesh
from fdsreader.utils import Quantity
from fdsreader import settings
import fdsreader.utils.fortran_data as fdtype

_HANDLED_FUNCTIONS = {np.mean: (lambda pl: pl.mean)}

[docs] def implements(np_function): """Decorator to register an __array_function__ implementation for Smoke3Ds. """ def decorator(func): _HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[np_function] = func return func return decorator
[docs] class SubSmoke3D: """Part of a smoke3d output for a single mesh. :ivar mesh: The mesh containing the data. :ivar upper_bounds: Numpy ndarray containing the maxmimum data value for each timestep. :ivar times: Numpy ndarray containing all time steps for which data has been written out. """ def __init__(self, file_path: str, mesh: Mesh, upper_bounds: np.ndarray, times: np.ndarray): self.mesh = mesh self.upper_bounds = upper_bounds self.times = times self._file_path = file_path # Path to the binary data file @property def data(self) -> np.ndarray: """Method to lazy load the Smoke3D data of a single mesh. """ if not hasattr(self, "_data"): with open(self._file_path, 'rb') as infile: dtype_header ='i', 8),)) dtype_nchars ='i', 2),)) header =, dtype_header, 1)[0][0] nx, ny, nz = int(header[3]), int(header[5]), int(header[7]) data_shape = (nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1) self._data = np.empty((self.times.size,) + data_shape, dtype=np.float32) for t in range(self.times.size):, fdtype.FLOAT, 1) # Skip time value nchars_out = int(, dtype_nchars, 1)[0][0][1]) if nchars_out > 0: dtype_data ='u', nchars_out),)) rle_data =, dtype_data, 1)[0][0] decoded_data = np.empty(((nx + 1) * (ny + 1) * (nz + 1))) # Decode run-length-encoded data (see "RLE" subroutine in smvv.f90) i = 0 mark = np.uint8(255) out_pos = 0 while i < nchars_out: if rle_data[i] == mark: value = rle_data[i + 1] repeats = rle_data[i + 2] i += 3 else: value = rle_data[i] repeats = 1 i += 1 decoded_data[out_pos:out_pos + repeats] = value out_pos += repeats self._data[t, :, :, :] = decoded_data.reshape(data_shape, order='F') return self._data
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Remove all data from the internal cache that has been loaded so far to free memory. """ if hasattr(self, "_data"): del self._data
[docs] class Smoke3D(np.lib.mixins.NDArrayOperatorsMixin): """Smoke3D file data container including metadata. Consists of multiple subsmokes, one for each mesh. :ivar times: Numpy ndarray containing all time steps for which data has been written out. :ivar quantity: :class:`Quantity` object containing information about the recorded quantity and its unit. """ def __init__(self, root_path: str, times: np.ndarray, quantity: Quantity): self._root_path = root_path self.times = times self.quantity = quantity # List of all subsmokes this Smoke3D consists of (one per mesh). self._subsmokes: Dict[str, SubSmoke3D] = dict() def _add_subsmoke(self, filename: str, mesh: Mesh, upper_bounds: np.ndarray) -> SubSmoke3D: subsmoke = SubSmoke3D(os.path.join(self._root_path, filename), mesh, upper_bounds, self.times) self._subsmokes[] = subsmoke # If lazy loading has been disabled by the user, load the data instantaneously instead if not settings.LAZY_LOAD: _ = return subsmoke
[docs] def to_global(self, masked: bool = False, fill: float = 0, return_coordinates: bool = False) -> \ Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[Literal['x', 'y', 'z'], np.ndarray]]]: """Creates a global numpy ndarray from all subsmokes. :param masked: Whether to apply the obstruction mask to the data or not. :param fill: The fill value to use for masked entries. Only used when masked=True. :param return_coordinates: If true, return the matching coordinate for each value on the generated grid. """ if len(self._subsmokes) == 0: if return_coordinates: return np.array([]), {d: np.array([]) for d in ('x', 'y', 'z')} else: return np.array([]) coord_min = {'x': math.inf, 'y': math.inf, 'z': math.inf} coord_max = {'x': -math.inf, 'y': -math.inf, 'z': -math.inf} for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): for subsmoke in self._subsmokes.values(): co = subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim] coord_min[dim] = min(co[0], coord_min[dim]) coord_max[dim] = max(co[-1], coord_max[dim]) # The global grid will use the finest mesh as base and duplicate values of the coarser # meshes. Therefore, we first find the finest mesh and calculate the step size in each # dimension. step_sizes_min = {'x': coord_max['x'] - coord_min['x'], 'y': coord_max['y'] - coord_min['y'], 'z': coord_max['z'] - coord_min['z']} step_sizes_max = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0} steps = dict() global_max = {'x': -math.inf, 'y': -math.inf, 'z': -math.inf} for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): for subsmoke in self._subsmokes.values(): step_size = subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][1] - subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][0] step_sizes_min[dim] = min(step_size, step_sizes_min[dim]) step_sizes_max[dim] = max(step_size, step_sizes_max[dim]) global_max[dim] = max(subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][-1], global_max[dim]) for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): if step_sizes_min[dim] == 0: step_sizes_min[dim] = math.inf steps[dim] = 1 else: steps[dim] = max(int(round((coord_max[dim] - coord_min[dim]) / step_sizes_min[dim])), 1) + 1 # + step_sizes_max[dim] / step_sizes_min[dim] grid = np.full((self.n_t, steps['x'], steps['y'], steps['z']), np.nan) for subsmoke in self._subsmokes.values(): subsmoke_data = if masked: mask = subsmoke.mesh.get_obstruction_mask(self.times) start_idx = {dim: int(round( (subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][0] - coord_min[dim]) / step_sizes_min[dim])) for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z')} end_idx = {dim: int(round( (subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][-1] - coord_min[dim]) / step_sizes_min[dim])) for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z')} temp_data = dict() temp_mask = dict() for axis in range(3): dim = ('x', 'y', 'z')[axis] # Temporarily save border points to add them back to the array again later if np.isclose(subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][-1], global_max[dim]): temp_data_slices = [slice(s) for s in subsmoke_data.shape] end_idx[dim] += 1 temp_data_slices[axis + 1] = slice(subsmoke_data.shape[axis + 1] - 1, None) temp_data[dim] = subsmoke_data[tuple(temp_data_slices)] if masked: temp_mask[dim] = mask[tuple(temp_data_slices)] # We ignore border points unless they are actually on the border of the simulation space as all # other border points actually appear twice, as the subslices overlap. This only # applies for face_centered slices, as cell_centered slices will not overlap. reduced_shape_slices = (slice([0]),) + tuple(slice(1, None) for s in[1:]) subsmoke_data = subsmoke_data[reduced_shape_slices] if masked: mask = mask[reduced_shape_slices] n_repeat = max(int(round( (subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][1] - subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][0]) / step_sizes_min[dim])), 1) if n_repeat > 1: subsmoke_data = np.repeat(subsmoke_data, n_repeat, axis=axis + 1) if masked: mask = np.repeat(mask, n_repeat, axis=axis + 1) for axis in range(3): dim = ('x', 'y', 'z')[axis] # Add border points back again if needed if np.isclose(subsmoke.mesh.coordinates[dim][-1], global_max[dim]): temp_data_slices = [slice(s) for s in subsmoke_data.shape] temp_data_slices[axis + 1] = slice(None) subsmoke_data = np.concatenate((subsmoke_data, temp_data[dim][tuple(temp_data_slices)]), axis=axis + 1) if masked: mask = np.concatenate((mask, temp_mask[dim][tuple(temp_data_slices)]), axis=axis + 1) # If the slice should be masked, we set all cells at which an obstruction is in the # simulation space to the fill value set by the user if masked: subsmoke_data = np.where(mask, subsmoke_data, fill) grid[:, start_idx['x']: end_idx['x'], start_idx['y']: end_idx['y'], start_idx['z']: end_idx['z']] = subsmoke_data.reshape( (self.n_t, end_idx['x'] - start_idx['x'], end_idx['y'] - start_idx['y'], end_idx['z'] - start_idx['z'])) if return_coordinates: coordinates = dict() for dim_index, dim in enumerate(('x', 'y', 'z')): coordinates[dim] = np.linspace(coord_min[dim], coord_max[dim], grid.shape[dim_index + 1]) if return_coordinates: return grid, coordinates else: return grid
def __getitem__(self, mesh: Mesh): """Returns the :class:`SubSmoke` that contains data for the given mesh. """ return self.get_subsmoke(mesh) @property def n_t(self) -> int: """Get the number of timesteps for which data was output. """ return len(self.times)
[docs] def get_subsmoke(self, mesh: Mesh): """Returns the :class:`SubSmoke` that contains data for the given mesh. """ return self._subsmokes[]
@property def subsmokes(self): """Returns a list with one SubSmoke3D object per mesh. """ return list(self._subsmokes.values()) @property def vmax(self): """Maximum value of all data at any time. """ curr_max = max(np.max(subsmoke3d.upper_bounds) for subsmoke3d in self._subsmokes.values()) if curr_max == np.float32(-1e33): return max(np.max( for subsmoke3d in self._subsmokes.values()) return curr_max
[docs] @implements(np.mean) def mean(self) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the mean value of all Smoke3D data for this quantity. """ return np.sum([np.mean( for subsmoke in self._subsmokes.values()]) / len(self._subsmokes)
[docs] @implements(np.std) def std(self) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the standard deviation of all Smoke3D data for this quantity. """ mean = self.mean sum = np.sum([np.sum(np.power( - mean, 2)) for subsmoke in self._subsmokes.values()]) N = np.sum([ for subsmoke in self._subsmokes.values()]) return np.sqrt(sum / N)
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Remove all data from the internal cache that has been loaded so far to free memory. """ for subsmoke in self._subsmokes.values(): subsmoke.clear_cache()
def __array__(self): """Method that will be called by numpy when trying to convert the object to a numpy ndarray. """ raise UserWarning( "Smoke3Ds can not be converted to numpy arrays, but they support all typical numpy" " operations such as np.multiply. If a 'global' array containing all subsmokes is" " required, please use the 'to_global' method and use the returned numpy-array explicitly.") def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): """Method that will be called by numpy when using a ufunction with a Smoke3D as input. :returns: A new smoke3d on which the ufunc has been applied. """ if method != "__call__": logging.warning( "The %s method has been used which is not explicitly implemented. Correctness of" " results is not guaranteed. If you require this feature to be implemented please" " submit an issue on Github where you explain your use case.", method) input_list = list(inputs) for i, inp in enumerate(inputs): if isinstance(inp, self.__class__): del input_list[i] new_smoke3d = deepcopy(self) for subsmoke in self._subsmokes.values(): subsmoke._data = ufunc(, input_list[0], **kwargs) return new_smoke3d def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs): """Method that will be called by numpy when using an array function with a Slice as input. :returns: The output of the array function. """ if func not in _HANDLED_FUNCTIONS: return NotImplemented # Note: this allows subclasses that don't override __array_function__ to handle Smoke3Ds. if not all(issubclass(t, self.__class__) for t in types): return NotImplemented return _HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[func](*args, **kwargs)
# __array_function__ implementations # ...