Steckler Compartments

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from IPython.display import display
from PIL import Image

import os
# check for set environment variable JB_NOSHOW
show = True
if 'JB_NOSHOW' in os.environ:
    show = False

Steckler Compartments#

Setup Description#

We start out with the simulation setup from Basic Example I. The goal is to ensure that the desired heat release of the burner was set up in the simulation. We are going to use Python to compare the simulation response with the target, using JupyterLab.

and Flame Induced Flows Through Room Openings - Flow Coefficients

In this example, the directory for our project is called Compartments. Inside the project directory, three other directories are created: one to store the jupyter notebooks RunReports, one for the simulations Steckler, and one for general information GeneralInformation. To follow this example, save the notebooks in the RunReports directory and use the Steckler directory as storage for the simulations.

The simulations contain different versions of the Steckler setup. This comprises different resolutions and different firesources with a larger room size. A couple of devices are located vertically in the centre of the doorway and in the corners of the smaller room. Furthermore, multiple slices are located at various positions. Two slices cut in the x and y direction through the burner and one slice covers the cross section of the doorway. Quantities recorded are TEMPERATURE, VELOCITY, DENSITY and soot. Furthermore, wall temperatures are recoreded using BNDF for te ceiling and the side wall.

With the given information, the goal is to determine the height of the gas layers, mass flows in and out of the room and surface temperatures of the side wall. Furthermore, develop a criterion to determine if the hot gas layer is stable.

# General information

# # Directory used to collect the output produced by this notebook.
# output_dir = "OutputMcCaffrey"
# if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
#     os.mkdir(output_dir)
#     print("* Output directory created.")
# else:
#     print("* Output directory already exists.")